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What Is Fleet Compliance?

Oct 10, 2023 2:28:06 PM

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Fleet compliance is an important priority for trucking and transportation companies since it encompasses  regulations, laws, and other standards for managing and operating a fleet of vehicles. Whether a company relies on its fleet for the transportation of goods and services or to support essential operations, knowing how to maintain fleet compliance is of utmost importance for operating legally. Fleet compliance covers everything from ensuring vehicle safety and driver qualifications are met to mitigating environmental impact and maintaining detailed fleet records. In this blog, we'll dive into what you need to know about fleet compliance, its importance, and how fleets can successfully implement the best fleet compliance solutions.

What is a fleet compliance management system?

A fleet compliance management system is a comprehensive software solution designed to ensure that a company's fleet of vehicles and drivers adhere to various regulatory and safety standards. It helps organizations monitor and maintain compliance with a wide range of requirements, such as vehicle inspections, driver certifications, hours of service regulations, emissions standards, and more. These systems typically include features like real-time tracking, automated reporting, maintenance scheduling, and documentation management to streamline the process of meeting legal and operational obligations. By centralizing and automating these tasks, fleets can enhance efficiency, reduce risks, and promote safety within a company's transportation operations.

Why do I need a vehicle fleet compliance system?

Fleet compliance management systems are designed to simplify the often complex and time-consuming task of managing compliance across various aspects of fleet operations, including vehicle maintenance, driver qualifications, safety standards, environmental regulations, and record-keeping. Most importantly, adhering to fleet compliance regulations set by the Department of Transportation ensures the safety of commercial vehicle drivers.

Benefits of Fleet Compliance Management Systems

Before knowing what rules your fleet needs to follow for fleet compliance, it's important to understand the key benefits fleet compliance services can offer:

  • Better Efficiency: Compliance management systems automate many of the manual processes involved in ensuring fleet compliance. This leads to increased efficiency, reduced administrative tasks, and improved productivity.
  • Risk Mitigation: By centralizing compliance data and automating compliance checks, these systems help identify and address compliance issues promptly, reducing the risk of costly fines, penalties, and accidents.
  • Improved Safety: Many compliance management systems include features that help monitor driver behavior and vehicle maintenance. These features help reduce the likelihood of accidents and promote a safer working environment.
  • Streamlined Reporting: Generating compliance reports can increase efficiency with the help of fleet management systems. This improves regulatory reporting and provides insights for continuous improvement.

What are the DOT rules and regulations?

It's important for commercial drivers and their employers to stay up-to-date with DOT regulations, as non-compliance can result in fines, penalties, and even the suspension or revocation of commercial driving privileges. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regularly updates and refines these rules to adapt to changing safety and industry standards.

Hours of Service (HOS) Regulations

HOS regulations dictate the maximum amount of time commercial drivers can spend behind the wheel to prevent fatigue-related accidents. Some key HOS rules include:

  • 11-Hour Driving Limit: Commercial drivers are limited to 11 consecutive hours of driving after 10 consecutive hours off-duty.
  • 14-Hour Duty Limit: Drivers cannot work beyond 14 consecutive hours from the start of their work shift, even if they haven't been driving the entire time.
  • 30-Minute Break: Drivers must take a 30-minute break within the first 8 hours of their shift.
  • 70-Hour Weekly Limit: Drivers cannot exceed a total of 70 hours on-duty in a 7-day period or 60 hours in a 7-day period if their employer doesn't operate vehicles every day.
  • 34-Hour Restart: After reaching the weekly limit, drivers must take a 34-hour restart break, which must include two periods between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m.

Driver Qualifications

FMCSA sets criteria for driver qualifications and licensing, including:

  • Commercial Driver's License (CDL): Commercial drivers must obtain a CDL, which requires passing written and skills tests specific to the type of vehicle they intend to operate.
  • Medical Certification: Drivers must undergo regular medical examinations by a certified medical examiner and maintain a valid medical certificate.

Vehicle Maintenance and Inspection

Commercial drivers are responsible for ensuring the safe operation of their vehicles, which involves:

  • Pre-Trip and Post-Trip Inspections: Drivers must conduct thorough inspections of their vehicles before and after each trip, identifying and reporting any defects.
  • Maintenance Records: Records of vehicle maintenance and repairs must be maintained, and any issues addressed promptly.

Hazardous Materials Transportation

For those transporting hazardous materials, additional regulations apply, including:

  • Hazardous Materials Endorsement: Commercial drivers transporting hazardous materials must have a hazardous materials endorsement on their CDL.
  • Placarding and Packaging: Regulations specify how hazardous materials should be placarded, packaged, and labeled for safe transportation.

Weight and Size Limits

Commercial vehicles must adhere to weight and size limits imposed by federal and state authorities. Overloaded or oversized vehicles pose safety risks and can result in fines.

Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs)

To accurately track HOS compliance, most commercial vehicles are required to be equipped with ELDs, which record driving time electronically, replacing traditional paper logs.

Drug and Alcohol Testing

Commercial drivers are subject to mandatory drug and alcohol testing to ensure they are fit for duty. These tests are conducted pre-employment, randomly, after accidents, and under other specified circumstances.

Cargo Securement

Cargo must be securely loaded and properly secured to prevent shifting, falling, or otherwise endangering the vehicle or other road users.

Speed Limits and Traffic Laws

Commercial drivers are expected to adhere to the designated speed limits, follow traffic signs, and comply with all other traffic laws just like any other drivers on the road.

Environmental Regulations

To mitigate the environmental impact of commercial transportation, regulations related to emissions and fuel efficiency are continually evolving.

Factors for Selecting the Best Fleet Compliance Management System

Choosing the best fleet compliance management system requires careful consideration of several factors:

Fleet Size and Composition

The size and composition of your fleet will impact the complexity of your compliance management needs. Smaller fleets may require less comprehensive solutions, while larger, diverse fleets will benefit from more robust systems.

Regulatory Requirements

Different industries and regions have varying compliance regulations. Ensure that the system you choose can adapt to your specific compliance needs.

Integration Capabilities

The ability of the system to integrate with other software and hardware solutions within your organization is crucial. Compatibility with existing systems, such as GPS tracking or maintenance software, can streamline operations.


When considering a fleet compliance management system, it is essential to take into account your organization's growth potential. As your fleet expands and evolves, you need a system that can seamlessly scale with your changing needs. Investing in a system that can accommodate your fleet's growth is a wise decision that will save you time, effort, and money in the long run.

What are the best trucking compliance software options?

Below are some of the best trucking compliance software systems available that can help businesses stay on top of DOT compliance:

  • Samsara: Samsara is a comprehensive fleet management platform that offers a suite of features for compliance management. It provides real-time visibility into vehicle location, condition, and driver behavior. Samsara's ELD (Electronic Logging Device) system ensures compliance with hours of service (HOS) regulations. Its user-friendly interface and robust reporting capabilities make it a top choice for many fleets.
  • KeepTruckin: KeepTruckin is known for its ELD and fleet management solutions. It offers features like GPS tracking, IFTA reporting, and vehicle diagnostics. KeepTruckin's compliance management system helps fleets stay on top of HOS, DVIR (Driver Vehicle Inspection Report), and other regulatory requirements.
  • Verizon Connect: Verizon Connect offers a range of fleet management solutions, including compliance management. It includes tools for tracking vehicle maintenance, managing driver behavior, and monitoring compliance with HOS regulations. The system's reporting and analytics capabilities help fleets make data-driven decisions.
  • Geotab: Geotab's fleet compliance management system is known for its focus on sustainability and environmental compliance. It provides real-time tracking, driver coaching, and compliance reporting. Geotab also offers a wide range of add-ons and integrations to customize the system to your fleet's needs.
  • Omnitracs: Omnitracs offers a compliance management system that covers everything from HOS and driver behavior to vehicle maintenance and fuel efficiency. It includes features like route planning, real-time monitoring, and reporting tools to help fleets achieve and maintain compliance.


If you're learning how to manage fleet impact, then fleet compliance management systems can be useful tools for companies that operate a fleets of vehicles. They offer a wide range of benefits, from enhanced efficiency and safety to streamlined reporting and reduced risk. Selecting the best system for your fleet requires careful consideration of factors such as fleet size, regulatory requirements, integration capabilities, and scalability. As technology continues to advance, the capabilities of fleet compliance management systems will also evolve, providing even more sophisticated tools to help fleets navigate regulations and standards. By investing in the best DOT compliance software and implementing best practices, your organization can achieve and maintain compliance while optimizing fleet performance.

Learn about fleet maintenance and why it matters →

Kira Odlozil

Written by Kira Odlozil

Based in San Diego, CA, Kira Odlozil is the Digital Content Coordinator at P-Fleet. She writes about fuel management, the trucking industry and business-related topics. When Kira isn’t writing, she’s cooking up new recipes, doing yoga, traveling or all of the above.