Fueling policy
Let's create driver guidelines so the right information is entered at the pump.
As part of our fuel card program, we can help identify refunds or exemptions that apply to your operations. We can assist your team with drafting driver fueling guidelines so that the necessary vehicle and equipment information to support refund filing is captured at the time of fueling. Free fuel tax refund reports will then be available to identify refundable gallons used in equipment and reefer units. We can also apply certain exemptions at the time of purchase to eliminate refund filing, and if you haven’t claimed refunds before, some states allow filing as far back as three years.
Let's create driver guidelines so the right information is entered at the pump.
Agricultural, municipality or bus exemptions can be applied to invoices if you qualify.
Fill off-road equipment with dyed diesel instead of having to file refunds.
Free reports to calculate refundable gallons if dyed diesel was not used.